​Mordor and orcs: the real grin of a Russian soldier, or the Bucha hunt by the undead

The myth under the guise of which the Russians carried out a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which sounded like "liberation" - collapsed. Ukraine and the world saw the real intentions of putin and his people and army: the occupation of the territory and the genocide of Ukrainians.

However, we must be honest: some European politicians were convinced that Punin would seize Ukraine in just a few days, and they did not hide it at all. The moral side of the question is that in the 21st century Europeans can close their eyes to the fact that one country wants to occupy another, while subconsciously realizing that the "orcs" will not stop at this one country, which is the other side of the coin, and thank God that the Ukrainian people with their courage and steadfastness proved they deserved help and received it, but now the Europeans and the West saw something else, something they had not guessed: not only the authenticity of the horde's intentions but also what methods of war it uses.

Until the twentieth century, most wars were waged using medieval methods to seize, plunder, and kill soldiers in order to seize other people's property and pay tribute or taxes, and since the twentieth century, World War I has been fought for resources. Both World War II and all other wars of the twentieth century were wars for resources. Therefore, the methods of warfare were different.

Of course, most historians, including European ones, kept silent about the behavior of Soviet soldiers during World War II, because they considered such an approach morally justified for the atrocities of the Nazis in the USSR. And in vain. It was necessary to talk, write and tell how Soviet officers and generals brought home sets and furniture from Europe and Germany, and Soviet soldiers not only looted German houses but also raped German women and girls. But Europe has pretended to have a short memory. And now, by fully invading Ukraine, Muscovy has shown not only to Ukrainians but also to the world that their method of warfare is no different from the method of those whose national emblem Muscovy bears - the Mongol-Tatar horde - the method of looting, rape, destruction of civilians and leaving scorched earth behind.

What orcs do in Ukraine cannot fit into the minds of a normal, psychologically healthy person. The way they are destroying Russian-speaking cities, Kharkiv and Mariupol, not only does not fit into the myth of the "liberators", but shows the real essence of the Muscovites: hatred of unconquered Ukrainians.

Orcs are now making no secret of their goal of destroying Ukrainians and Ukraine. Polls in Russia itself do not fit into common sense: in their answers, people not only support the war in Ukraine and the extermination of Ukrainians but also state that such a country should not exist. That is, just as Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews, russia set out to carry out the genocide of Ukrainians.

However, for Europe itself, the news is also disappointing. In the same polls, Russian citizens say they are ready to encroach on the countries of Europe itself simply because they are different. In fact, it turns out that the Russians are ready to destroy all countries that are not like them. Those who do not live in dilapidated shacks have toilets and hot water in their homes, and asphalt roads in their towns. Not to mention that they own such everyday things as branded T-shirts, blenders, TVs, laptops, washing machines and dishwashers, services. That is why the Russian soldier stole from the homes of Ukrainians blankets, carpets, spoons with forks, curtains, canned cucumbers and tomatoes, gold jewelry, currency, construction screwdrivers, perforators and other building accessories that every Ukrainian man has in the house to perform ordinary works, such as hanging a shelf. And more: children's toys, cosmetics, perfumes. Everything they could carry. According to а telegram channel "Беларускі гаюн", looters in Mozyr, Gomel Region, Belarus , are sending stolen goods to Russia with courier companies: "Today, KAMAZ trucks from Russia were spotted near the branch of the Russian express delivery service СДЕК in Mozyr, from which Russian soldiers were unloading wrapped packages with things,", - this telegram channel writes.

As is now clear, during the Russian occupation of certain Ukrainian cities, looting of abandoned homes for orcs is a necessity and intercepted conversations between mothers, wives and orcs themselves confirm that women only encourage men to steal things from other people's homes. Things they do not have in Russia. However, a similar encouragement comes from the military leadership of the orcs, and they call this looting - "the capture of trophies."

However, the above is not the worst thing that Russian troops have done in the occupied territories. The liberation of the Kyiv region from occupation by the Ukrainian armed forces revealed a terrible picture that showed both the essence of Russia and the individuals who inhabit it - the country and the people of the killers.

It turned out that, in addition to looting, Russian soldiers came to Ukraine to hunt down the Ukrainian civilian population and rape Ukrainian girls and women. The killers treated civilians as if they were playing a computer game or safari: shooting civilians with their families, driving over people by tanks, and shooting those who rode bicycles. In the town of Bucha, the Ukrainian military discovered a mass grave of almost 300 civilians. People were tortured, many corpses with their hands tied and bullet marks on the back of their heads. That is, Russian soldiers carried out executions among civilians, unarmed people. In Bucha, men between the ages of 18 and 60 were shot, women and girls were raped, and many were killed. And it is not yet known what these executioners did in other regions of Ukraine, that they occupied.

Nowadays, Ukrainians can use the example of their country to state that Russia is a country of murderers, where the population lives with the desire to destroy, plunder and rape everyone else, regardless of their nationality and country of residence.

Russia, is a killer country, a terrorist country that intimidates and terrorizes the world with nuclear weapons just to keep its soldiers from getting "trophies" if the Führer wants to destroy any country to recreate an empire where everyone has to live in poverty, like the orcs who can only steal a washing machine, because a state that has gas, oil, gold and diamonds is not interested in the welfare of the population, but wants everyone to obey it, everyone to be afraid of it and not to interfere with it in any way, which is not desired by the Führer. And the Führer does not like NATO, sends planes with nuclear warheads into the airspace of neutral Sweden, as was reported on Thursday, March 31, by the Swedish TV channel TV4, and also does not hide that he wants to attack Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (due to the polls this idea is supported by the Russian murdered-people also).

So does Europe want the same atrocities, rapes, looting and murders on its territory that Russian soldiers have committed on the territory of Ukraine? After all, only a fool does not understand that if the animals are not stopped, they will go further and that it is impunity that creates permissiveness and encourages, in addition to intimidation, to make a Russian invasion of European countries? Today, Russians are like a horde whose coat of arms is on their flag, so they behave like nonhumans and beasts. And they themselves will not stop, because they do not mind swallowing part of Europe richer than Ukraine. But does Europe want to see murderers, rapists and looters on the streets of its countries, or will it help Ukrainians to defeat Russia?

Oksana KOTOMKINA, "Conflicts and Laws", translation Alexander Vishnevsky

Emblem of the Golden Horde. Photo pinterest


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