An Appeal to the World Leaders, or A Drunken Bear, Cynical Europe and US Indifference
- Подробиці
- Опубліковано 27.10.2019 10:59
Автор: Конфликты и законы Конфлікти і закони
- Переглядів: 2155
This text is not tolerant or diplomatic. But this is the truth.
Ukraine is being forced to opt for an incomprehensible formula imposed by Russia, the occupier. Everyone involved in the conflict is aware of what Russia really wants to achieve. Its purpose is to legalize Russian mercenaries in the occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions in order to further encroach on the Ukrainian territory.
Those who claim that the “Steinmeier Formula” is an alternative to the Minsk Agreements are lying. In fact, all parties are aware that this is a similar strategy and it aims at encroaching on the sovereignty of Ukraine.
When it comes to the withdrawal of the troops, they refer to the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, because, as both President Macron and Kanzlerin Merkel know, Russia has deployed the minimum of its official troops to the occupied territories, and, if exposed, the soldiers turn out to have been released from the Russian Armed Forces this very evening or even a few days before the exposure. In addition, the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces means recognizing the legitimacy of the terrorist control over the occupied territories, and subsequently, their sovereignty.
They have already stated it openly.
By pushing Ukraine to abide to the indistinct whims of the occupier, Kanzlerin Merkel, President Macron, and President Trump play into the hands of the occupier, a killer state slaughtering people not only in Ukraine but also in Syria, Libya, Georgia, and Moldova.
Did the world leaders not see the video from Georgia showing the mercenaries from Russia murdering and raping locals? Do they not remember the three-year-old boy, who, feeling that he was dying of the wounds inflicted by the Russian mercenaries, before giving his soul to God said through tears, “I will complain to God about you all, I will tell Him everything...”
Ms. Merkel, Mr. Macron, and Mr. Trump, do you sleep well at night? Doesn’t this little Syrian boy come to you in your dreams? Don’t you care about the souls of the MH-17 victims killed in Ukraine by the Russian BUK? Do you sleep peacefully, do charity events, smile, and still want to cooperate with Russia? Aren’t you consumed by remorse?
Well, remorse is something only those with a holy spirit in their hearts can have. Those who use religion as a cover cannot feel remorse, as demonstrated by Russia, which, like a drunken bear, puts its foot everywhere only to kill and destroy.
Perhaps it is normal for President Macron, France, and the French to give up. This is exactly how most territories gave up to Hitler. Tell me something: isn’t it the reason why Mr. Macron never mentions Charles de Gaulle, who, realizing that France was ready to give up to the tyrant, flew to London where he made a radio call to create French resistance? Because President Macron himself cannot and does not want to resist the Neo-Nazism and is willing to cooperate with Russian fascism. However, President Macron cannot not know the passage from the book of ex-President of France Francois Hollande “Lessons of Power” in which he states:
“The head of the Russian Federation prefers to see an icy strip of conquered lands around his state. His tactics is to encourage his friends to clash with his enemies, and then freeze these conflicts. The gray zone has already formed on the borders with Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan. These countries are independent but weakened. In the heat of the moment, compromises are necessary, but they do not solve the problem: fragile peace is established, Russian-imposed realities are becoming the norm. War can be slowed down, but dominance takes root. Putin continues to intimidate to make it easier to negotiate. He does not conquer but takes the territory, sip after sip.” So, forcing Ukraine to surrender, President Macron in no way reminds of de Gaul but of a man who encourages a bear to eat his victim still alive, because even in France they say that Macron teams with Russia, i.e. he decided that, after shaking hands with the murderer, he would easily cleanse away the blood of the murdered from of his hands.
What about Kanzlerin Merkel? Is the Russian money more important than honor and dignity? After all, can Germany, which like no one knows what Nazism is and what slaughter is, not shudder at the groaning of the people killed by chemical weapons in Syria and of the people dying in Ukraine while defending their homeland? The whole world saw her once taken aback by Putin’s disparaging and raunchy joke. Does Kanzlerin Merkel not know the history of Germany and the desire of the former USSR (a descendant of which is Russia) to unite the GDR and the FRG in 1952 on the terms of the USSR, which were very similar to the terms that Russia is imposing today on Ukraine in the Steinmeier Formula? At that time, Germany did not agree because it understood the consequences of communist and KGB activities. So why is Ukraine being forced to act differently today? But money is money, isn’t it?
What about President Trump? He does a lot of good for his country and has a well-deserved rating. But Ukraine is perceived by the US as a bargaining chip in their battles. However, what is the failing of the bloodied and exhausted Ukrainian people to get such attitude? Yes, President Trump called Ukraine the most corrupt country. But, Mr. Trump, tell us honestly, did you truly set the goal for the Republican and the Democratic parties to help the Ukrainians defeat the hydra of corruption? No! On the contrary, the American strategy was not to ask for an audit of the money that were transferred to Ukraine but never made it to the Ukrainian people. And if this goal had been set, would Ukrainian officials and oligarchs, most of them former communists, Komsomol members, and people from the criminal world, be able to steal the US grants? Had they known that all the money stolen in Ukraine would be arrested and that the US were helping to establish a punishment mechanism in Ukraine as in America itself, wouldn’t then President Trump any longer have a reason to call Ukraine the most corrupt country? What about Mr. Volker? How many Ukrainians told him about corruption, how many journalists conducted investigations, and what? Why didn’t Mr. Volker speak about it openly before, why didn’t he demand an investigation as the Ukrainians wanted?
The United States assisted us with military equipment and weapons, for which the Ukrainians are grateful. The Ukrainian American Diaspora also came to the aid of the people (not the government) and is also hurt by the fact that Ukrainians are forced to fight the corruption encouraged, and sometimes covered, by international institutions and leaders. While they could have not encourage it, couldn’t they?
The same applies to the assistance from Europe. So, after the scandal over the Trump and Zelensky conversation, Europe was outraged and emphasized that in five years it had provided 15 billion to Ukraine “for reforms and economy”, of which 8 billion had not been used. But has there been any real audit? And have the Ukrainian corrupt officials ever been asked the question where the money is? No. Europe is also aware that the assistance provided is not reaching the Ukrainian people. Most often, when it comes to Ukraine, it somehow goes to the accounts of certain people in the EU, or the US, or in offshore territories.
On the one hand, America and Europe are helping Ukraine, but on the other, they do not care at least to ask for an audit to find out on what programs the funds that came to Ukraine have been spent and why the Ukrainians are still impoverished after such aid injections. So, maybe it is time to stop lying to yourself and to the world about your intentions to help Ukraine fight corruption and about the possibility of pacifying a drunk bear with a star on the forehead and the KGB habits?
As for the foreign assistance, the Ukrainian people are grateful to the peoples of Europe and America for their support. Ukrainians know how much help has come to the Ukrainian Army from the Ukrainian diasporas as well as the ordinary citizens of different countries.
But now the people of Ukraine are asking the world leaders to stop being economical with the truth and call a spade a spade, recognizing that Russia’s foreign policy is very simple: its troops can never be withdrawn, as the Kremlin thinks in categories of seizure of territories. That is why mercenaries and soldiers from Russia will not be removed and transferred back to Russia because it will be very easy to rename them to the peacekeeping troops on the occupied territories, or even name them the local police. After all, don’t the world leaders remember how the Kremlin painted its tanks white in 2014 to make the occupier a peacemaker? And the Kremlin’s goal is to spread discord and further seize Ukrainian territories. Kremlin even does not hide its real intentions.
So why do the world leaders flirt with the drunken bear? Don’t they know who is behind most of the terrorist attacks in Europe? Don’t they realize that by agreeing to Putin’s terms, they are also endangering their countries in which a car may accidentally explode, or the Novichok poison may be found in a cafe?
Why do the world leaders—Merkel, Macron, and Trump—fool themselves that they do not know that more than 60% of OSCE personnel in Ukraine are citizens of the Russian Federation and that this institution in Ukraine is blind, deaf and dumb? Therefore, any elections in the occupied territories under OSCE surveillance are the Kremlin-supervised activity. After all, Ukrainians have repeatedly watched this organization turn a blind eye to the crimes committed by the Russian mercenaries in Ukraine.
That is why, knowing that Putin is an abomination and a murderer, Ukrainians are appealing to the world leaders not to support any “Steinmeier Formulas” aimed at Russia’s further invasion of Ukraine’s sovereignty and destroying of the Ukrainian state and its people for the mere fact that they are Ukrainians, speak their own language, live on their land, and do not want to be a colony of the drunken bear whose only desire is to kill and implement the ideas of the Communist KGB. And by supporting them, you are supporting the bloody KGB regime, though slightly repainted.
Ukrainians are asking you to support them and not the Ukrainian authorities, who, despite numerous street protests, remain mafia and survive only because the world leaders and communities turn a blind eye to their activities instead of helping the Ukrainian people defeat both the hydra of corruption and the drunken bear who is aware that he is successful because nobody tries to stop him. The only exception is the American night rocket-air strike on the “ikh-tam-nets” (literally “they-are-not-present-there,” a neologism to describe the Russian soldiers allegedly not present in the conflict zone), near the Syrian village of Hisham on February 7-8, 2018, destroying the Russia-operated and Assad-backed armored group. This action became a demonstrative response to the recklessness of the drunken bear and a real deterrent to the further escalation of the conflict.
Although the representatives of the Ukrainian authorities (who are corrupt and, in some cases, have their own agenda) do not consider such actions in the Russia-occupied territories suitable, most Ukrainians are convinced that the insolent drunken bear can and should be stopped. And not only in Ukraine, because he is a real threat to the world as he, sure of his impunity, crosses the red lines.
Hereby, we ask the world leaders not to support the murderer and not to force the Ukrainian people to surrender to the drunken bear, but, on the contrary, to support the people of Ukraine, who are strong in spirit and courageous, ready to fight for their land and their independence.
Foto Global Look Press
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